Date Written: September 10, 2007

"Superlatives in all the world's languages long ago were exhausted on behalf of Tiger Woods, so attempts to apply worthy adjectives to his golfing exploits seem as futile as trying to beat him."
Suffice it to say, when Tiger's in his groove and hitting it straight at the pin all day and then has his Rembrandt-like putting schwerv working, he makes the game look simple and easy. Kinda like an Oscar Robertson or Jerry West jump shot. Yesterday was one of those days. He must have thought he was putting at a hole that had a 10-foot diameter. He had 11 one-putts. When I putt, no matter the distance, the hole looks about as wide as a thimble.
It's almost mathematically impossible for anyone to overtake our fantasy pool leaders at the top three positions going into the last "real" tournament of the year. Our top three, "nose-pickers" are so far ahead that their positions won't be threatened even though they all have N0-SHOWS this coming weekend at The Tour Championship. Master Art, who's in fourth place with Sergio as a pick this week, has the slimmest chance to take over third if the Spaniard wins. The rest of us also-rans can only hope to throw better darts next year.
So, as they say in the debt collection business, "the checks almost in the mail." Based on nineteen pool players at $100 entry fee each, $1,100 goes to "The Donald" for his stellar win, $500 to Jim Brady for second place and maybe $300 to Scott Winegar for third.
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