Date Written: July 14, 2008

Plenty has been written about Kenny's decision to NOT play the U.S. Open and The British, so I'll not re-hash his thinking...much. Suffice to say, he's sticking to his guns with his schedule. From what I've gleaned, he likes to play on courses he likes, not play on courses that don't suit his game and he'd rather not play in cold weather. On the other hand, Jerry Kelly (who is as passionate about Wisconsin as Perry is about Kentucky), gets into The British Open as a second alternate and says, "I'm excited to play. I was not going to pass up this chance to play The British even though I consider the Milwaukee Open my fifth major." As the gamblers say, "Go Figure."
Smarter people than I are also questioning Perry's logic. Peter Dawson, British Open Chief said:
"I can't pretend I understand Kenny Perry's decision," stated Dawson. "He's having a great run and we are very sorry he's not here. I find it disappointing. You're not going to win majors if you don't enter and I think the history books show that majors are what you are remembered for."
In our funky, fantasy pool, Denny From Iowa, Bob Bruce and John "Vegas" Manocheo had Kenny to win and collected his prize money of three quarters of a million for their choice. By my count, there are now six pool players who have picked three winners this year. At this stage of the fantasy race, that is amazing. In Bob Bruce's case, he leaps into fourth place. Denny and John move up a couple of spots off the deck.
Double money on tap this week in The British. Alas and Alack dept: Poor Matt Kendrick figured Tiger as a "shoo-in" at Royal Birkdale. I heard Tiger's gonna go over to Matt's house and watch it with him from his couch...explaining to him how he would have played each shot and offer to buy him dinner at Despo's just in case he loses.
Ten of youse think this will be Big Ernie's week and six think Sergio's gonna play back to last year debacle.
Final note: 40 year old Rick Price won the richest Nationwide event ever to clinch a spot on the PGA Tour next year. Rick has been a fixture at Q-School... he's been there nineteen (19) times! Talk about perseverance.
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